Essential Oils 101

Join me (Andi Tippie) for this relaxed and informative 1 hour+ Essential Oils Basics seminar. I will be sharing dōTERRA oils, why I love them (and the company!) so much, how essential oils can easily be used for emotional imbalances and to support your health.

I’m so excited to be sharing this with you! In my journey over the last two-plus years, I’ve learned SO much through my energy work (if you’ve seen me in the last year, I’ve probably used them for helping shift you energetically) as well as during my daily use for myself and my girls. I’ve seen them shift and support our health and so much more And I’d love to share all this newfound knowledge!

What will I be sharing?

  • How essential oils work physically and emotionally
  • How to use them around your home, on your body and more
  • Why I’ve chosen to use doTERRA
  • I’ll answer any questions, concerns or suggest oils based on any issues you might be experiencing

What will NOT happen during this class?

  • There will be no obligations or pressure
  • I will not be solving all your problems (don’t I wish!)
  • I will not be serious and boring.

The presentation will last for about 45 minutes and I will have lots of time for answering questions, smelling of oils, helping you figure out the oils best for YOU, and getting you signed up or ordered – if you’d like to!

Can’t wait to see you there!

Ready to sign up to need to find out dates? Email me or text me (303-881-9298).